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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  June 1, 2016 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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captions by: caption colorado new documents expose aggressive sales tactics. >> flash flooding, rushing water sweeps cars away and days of down pours are still ahead. >> artists applaud adele for calling out concert goers. we take you inside the conflict. >> we begin with a look at today's eye opener. your world in 90 seconds. >> i'm going to continue to
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attack the press. >> trump unloads on the media. >> don't you think you should be accountable? >> hillary clinton and bernie sanders engage in a fight to the finish in california. >> you promise to keep it a secret. don't tell anyone -- i think we're going to win here in california. [ applause ] people in texas are dealing with record flooding that may only get worse. >> rivers rising to levels not seen in decades. >> that looks like the load is gone, honey. for the first time in the continental u.s., a baby is born with microcephaly linked to zika. law enforcement looking into the parents whose child fell into the gorilla enclosure. outrage mounts over the animal's death. >> harambe's death was preventable. general mills is recalling some ten million pounds of flour because of e. coli outbreaks in 20 states. at newark airport, several
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panels fell from the ceiling on the united flight from houston. no one was injured. all that -- >> a suspect found a 104-degree hiding place in an anaheim back yard. >> my god. he's in our jacuzzi. getting dicier! >> the fan reaction was the best! >> oh, my god. and all that matters -- >> this is a great year to be in comedy. >> it's either a gift -- >> the gift that keeps on coming. >> a gift from jesus or a gift from satan. >> on "cbs this morning." >> north korea is backing trump as president. he was referred to as a wise politician and "not screwy at all." >> of course koreans endorse donald trump, they want at least one other country with a leader that has a worse haircut than theirs. ♪ this morning's eye opener is
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presented by toyota. let's go places. welcome to "cbs this morning." donald trump faces strong backlash after his most aggressive attack yet on the media. major newspapers are fighting back this morning after trump complained bitterly about coverage of his fund-raising for veterans groups. some columnists this morning are calling trump a liar and a bully. >> a "washington post" editorial says, "he does not have the restraint, the openness, or the values every modern president has shared." major garrett was one of those questioning trump at a news conference and is with in studio 57. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the money donald trump raised for veterans is real. so are the organizations that received it. just as real, trump's contempt for reporters who tried to follow the money. he did answer many nagging questions. in the process, validated the scrutiny trump so publicly scorned. >> i'm going to continue to attack the press. i've watched you on television. you're a real beauty. this sleazy guy over here from abc. he's a sleaze.
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>> reporter: donald trump snarled at reporters for consistently asked for details about funds raised and disbursed for veterans. even as he for the first time provided specifics about where the money went. >> reporter: why do you resent just the verification process that is natural -- >> i did this out of the goodness of my heart. i didn't want to do this where the press is involved and everybody's going, where did it go, who did it go to. >> reporter: he said repeatedly he raised $6 million for veterans charities. it wasn't until last week when he made good on his pledge to donate $1 million. yesterday more details emerged. >> this is my check for $1 million. >> reporter: trump listed 41 organizations he said received $5.6 million. so far, cbs has verified $4.4 million in donations from trump or his affiliated foundation to 32 organizations. >> i wasn't too involved in picking the organizations other than i gave a million dollars to the marine -- the law enforcement marines.
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they are fabulous and honored me last year. >> reporter: outside trump tower, veterans, some registered democrats, said trump cannot buy their votes. >> no matter how much he donates, he still is not standing for the values that veterans stand for here. >> trump needs to stop. he's using veterans as props. >> reporter: trump also stood by his attacks on fellow republicans who don't support him, including new mexico governor susannah martinez. >> you think i'm going to change? i'm not going to change, including with her. go ahead, one more question. >> reporter: trump's volatile approach continues to fuel speculation about an independent challenge drawn from inside republican ranks. one name that's floating out there in sort of ethereal way is david french, a writer for the conservative "national review," who's never held elective office. gayle? >> quite an interesting news conference yesterday. many watched with their mouths hanging open. thank you very much. a new national poll out finds hillary clinton leading donald trump by four points in a head-to-head match-up.
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when the vase broken down by gender, the male voters go for trump 51-35%. hillary clinton holds a bigger lead with women, 54%. cord nancy cord s is here. >> reporter: good morning, she collected an endorsement that no one saw coming, burying a 24-year-old hatchet once and for all. clinton is hoping for a decisive win in california against a long-shot opponent who vows not to back down. so she's eliminating events in new jersey so she can get back there tonight. clinton is swapping the golden state. bernie sanders has held 13 big rallies in the past week, 11,000 in oakland, 5,000 in santa cruz. >> the nominating process is over, secretary clinton has won. that is factually incorrect.
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>> reporter: california's two-term governor, jerry brown, stepped in tuesday handng clinton a key endorsement. the long-time liberal said he was deeply impressed with how well bernie sanders has done but that clinton has the tenacity and skill to advance the democratic agenda. >> he is funneling money to his wife's law firm for state business. >> reporter: it's high praise from the man who famously called bill clinton the prince of sleaze when both were running for president in 1992. >> you ought to be ashamed of yourself for jumping on my wife. you're not worth being on the same platform as my wife. >> i'll tell you something, mr. clinton, don't try to escape it. >> reporter: taking a page from donald trump's book, hillary clinton has begun calling in to cable news shows, weighing in on her likely opponent. >> he's bragged for months about raising $6 million for veterans and donating $1 million himself. but it took a reporter to shame him into actually making his contribution.
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>> reporter: trump fired back on twitter last night that clinton should be admonished for not having a press conference in 179 days, while he's had two, albeit contentious ones, in the past week. >> thank you, nancy. flooding concerns in texas will stretch into the weekend after days of rain. downpours overnight stranded drivers and sparked water rescues in the west of the state. the deadly flooding forced more than 1,000 people to evacuate. homes in southern texas are submerged, and cars were washed away. flash flood warnings and watches this morning cover much of the state. manuel bojorquez is in richmond outside houston where the brazos river is still rising. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the river has topped 54 feet. that's higher than officials initially estimated the river would rise. and it is distressing news in neighborhoods like this one. as we can see, the area is simply overflowing with water. and with more rain in the forecast, there's nowhere else
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for it to go. roadways became raging rivers in texas tuesday. floodwaters were strong enough to wash away this car with the driver getting out moments before it was swept away. up to six inches of rain in parts of the state triggered flash flooding and prompted more than a dozen rescues in the dallas-ft. worth area. >> that looks like the road is gone, honey. >> scary watching the water rise so fast. can came up -- it came up so fast. i couldn't believe it. >> reporter: the fast-rising waters left cars submerged and even stranded this fire truck as the relentless storms continue to pummel the lone star state. in the southeast, the brazos river has reached record highs. it's poured into homes and set off a new wave of evacuations. the rising river forced a family in simonton to leave horses behind when they were told to evacuate.
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>> we stayed as long as we could until they forced us to get out. it was up to my chin and my dad's chin. it's been a mess, man. >> reporter: on tuesday, they hired a private helicopter to drop food for the stranded animals. for others, the only way around is by boat. pedro chavez' home is filling with water. are you afraid it's going to flood completely? >> a little bit yeah. >> reporter: what would it mean for your family? >> start over. >> reporter: start over? >> yeah. >> reporter: the river is expected to remain above flood stage for the next several days. it's dry so far, but there's a chance of rain in the forecast every day through saturday. gayle? >> that's what you call on-the-scene reporting. thank you very much. the u.n. estimates tens of thousands of children are trapped by fighting between iraqi forces and isis. unicef says many civilians are unable to escape the iraqi attack on fallujah. elizabeth palmer's tracking the
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offensive from london. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. well, that offensive is only going to get fiercer. the urgent appeal from the u.n.'s children's agency there's are an estimated 20,000 children trapped with their families inside the city. a trickle of people did manage to escape from fallujah over the past few weeks. they'll now join the thousands of internal refugees already living in temporary shelters inside iraq waiting for peace which looks a long way off considering that the offensive to take fallujah back from isis has only just begun. it's the largest orchestrated battle so far against the group. supported by american air power, iraqi forces including special operations and shiite militias backed by iranian advisers have ringed the city, and they're battling to control the outskirts before they push for the center. while isis is already pushing back hard.
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there's little doubt that with such massive manpower and weaponry the iraqi forces will win the battle. doing so will cost many civilian lives and may well leave the city in ruins. >> thanks. we have breaking news from a key piece could be within reese. officials said a ship heard signals believed to be from the voice rorers. the flight with 66 people on board crashed into the mediterranean sea. searchers have found wreckage and body parts. they do not know where the black boxes are. passengers are describing scary moments during a landing of united flight at newark airport in new jersey. there are videos and photos from inside the cabin show pieces of the ceiling that crashed down. passengers say flight 557 from houston bounced as it landed. flight attendants can be seen holding parts of the plane's interior. united says no one was hurt. cincinnati police are investigating the parents of that little boy who fell into a gorilla den.
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officials shot and killed the rare animal. a report released yesterday shows the child was alert and talking after his rescue with minor scrapes on his head and knee. jamie yuccas is at the zoo where the gorilla world exhibit remains closed. critics say the safety measures violated the animal welfare act. good morning. >> reporter: the family released a statement saying the boy is doing very well after seeing a second doctor and asking anyone who wants tomake a donation to them should donate to the cincinnati zoo in the name of harambe instead. investigators are trying to figure out how a young boy ended up in the grab of more than 420 pound gorilla. the encounter resulted in killing harambe is resulting in
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investigation. >> safety protocols for zoos are vetted. >> according to association of zoos and aquariums exhibits where animals and visitors are not supposed to come in contact need to have at least one substantial barrier. >> a secondary barrier such as guardrails and things like that are normally covered with vegetation. those barriers are constructed of wire or piping or similar material. and in this case, those barriers look like a climbing apparatus or jungle gym to a child. >> reporter: on saturday, the child made his way past a three-foot fence, through several feet of bushes, and down a 15-foot moat. >> the exhibit's safe, and the barrier's safe. >> reporter: the zoo has repeatedly defended their security. >> they need to make that place safe. >> reporter: critics such as michael budke, co-founder of the group stop animal exploitation now, disagrees. >> clearly there are issues with this enclosure. federal regulations require
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enclosures within facilities like zoos have both perimeter fences and physical barriers which are designed not only to keep the animals in but to keep the public out. >> reporter: the group filed a complaint with the usda monday saying the cincinnati zoo violated the animal welfare act. they point out that the zoo has had incidents in the past including one in march when two polar bears escaped from the inner enclosure for about two hours. no one was hurt. >> reporter: a short time ago doctor wrote the zoo's director and said she thought the gorilla was putting his arm around the child. >> thank you very much. a baby born with the zika-linked birth defect, microcephaly, is the first reported case in the continental u.s. hackensack medical center confirm the mother contracted it abroad. she was in honduras and then in the u.s. when she gave birth. microcephaly caused unusually
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small heads and brain gaj damage. 591 cases have been confirmed in the u.s. the aaa foundation for traffic safety has startling research about distracted driving. the group analyzed videos of the six seconds leading up to a crash. this unprecedented study reveals that disturbing behaviors behind the distractions. chip reid is in washington with a new warning particularly to the younger drivers. good morning. >> reporter: well, good morning. you know when you think of distracted driving and teenagers, you probably think of this -- the cell phone. this new study says that with teen drivers, the distraction often comes from passengers which is why i'm sitting back here minding my manners and not distracting the driver. [ crash ] >> reporter: during the summer months, more teenagers are on the road. the number of deaths from crashes involving teen drivers soars to an average of ten every day. 16% higher than the rest of the year.
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[ crash ] >> reporter: over the past eight years, aaa working with the university of iowa studied teen drivers using dashboard cameras and documenting more than 2,200 moderate to severe collisions. over that time, they saw a disturbing change in behavior. jennifer ryan is with aaa. >> more likely to interact with phones via texting or social media, which is particularly scary because they're actually looking down and taking their eyes off the road. >> reporter: the study says today nearly 60% of teen crashes involve distracted driving. perhaps surprisingly they found that cell phones are not the number-one problem. [ crash ] >> reporter: no, the top distraction for teens is other passengers, accounting for 15% of teen driver accidents. 12% were distracted by texting or talking on a cell phone. >> we know about teens that when they add a passenger, they're more likely to be distracted, more likely to engage in risky behavior.
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>> reporter: stacy robinson lost two daughters in a crash in texas in march. a teenage friend who was driving was looking at her phone moments before hitting an 18-wheeler head-on. >> this device also can only take a moment, and your life can be changed. >> reporter: now teran wooldrige, brother of the girls, spreads the word about the dangers of distracted driving. >> the west wy -- best way i know possible to honor my sisters is to talk to youth and parents and help them to understand what could happen. >> reporter: aaa says nearly two-thirds of the people injured or killed in crashes involving teen drivers are not the teen drivers, they're passengers in the car or people in other cars. charlie? >> chip, thanks. a technology billionaire is giving tech titan peter thiel advice in his fight with gawker media. he says, grow a thick skin. amazon ceo jeff bezos spoke out yesterday at a conference in california. the "washington post" owner says
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thiel shouldn't pay for lawsuits like hulk hogan's $140 million defamation suit against gawker. >> as a public figure, the best defense against -- again, i cannot get into any particular story. this is not about peter or gawkr or any particular thing. but the best defense to -- to speech that you don't like about yourself as a public figure is to develop a thick skin. >> gawker founder nick denton told us yesterday in studio 57 he does not believe the hogan award will stand. trump university's aggressive sales tactics are on full view this morning. ahead, the internal playbooks released by a judge after donald trump blasted him in public. firs
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the women who intervened to stop an apparent day rape share their story. >> and i just said, like, i know
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jen stops working, but her aleve doesn't. hey mom! because aleve can last 4 hours longer than tylenol 8 hour. what will you do with your aleve hours? popular singers slam fans
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over cameras. why artists like adele and beyonce don't like your videos of the decides if officers should body cameras. the proposal ows a string of po good morning. it's 7:26. i'm michelle griego. today in san francisco, the police commission decides if officers should wear body cameras. the proposal follows a string of police shootings. if approved, officers would wear the cameras starting august 1. two novato high school students accused of killing a classmate are being tried as adults. 16-year-old edwin guevera and 17-year-old juan carlos martinez henriquez are charged with premeditated murder at a shooting of edwin guerra last wednesday. coming up on "cbs this morning," cincinnati police are considering charging the parents of a little boy who hopped into a gorilla exhibit at the zoo. stay with us. traffic and weather in just a
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all right, good wednesday morning chp issued a traffic alert this morning that we are keeping a close eye on. you can take a look right here. 80 at grant line road a motorcycle and a car, the left lane is blocked and it could be blocked for the next 30 minutes or so. caltrain seeing major delays this morning up to potentially 90 minutes after a pedestrian was hit. we are keeping an eye on that. but do expect delays. roberta? >> good morning, everybody. our live weather camera suggest that is we have the return of some "june gloom" at the immediate seashore. we have clear skies inland. our temperatures will be adversely affected by that marine layer. a deck of low clouds and fog along the coast. we have a beach hazard statement statement in effect for strong rip currents. today's highs easily 60s beaches, triple digits inland.
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i can't believe you're going to space for five years. >> you see -- you see that spot in the sky right there? >> uh-huh. >> well, whenever you miss me, you look up at that spot because that's where i'll be. >> this is so hard. >> it's going to be over before you know it. it's just a short, little, four-year mission. but through it all, i'll always have this puppy. >> looks like there's gravity where you are. >> would you get -- [ applause ] get home, gene. >> i'll be back, i'll be home in 15 minutes. >> two years later, wow. that's maya rudolph and tom hanks from the show "maya and marty" as in martin short.
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i think that has potential, and then you throw in tom hanks. that's a little magic there. >> gravity -- >> after he said he was going. >> yeah. welcome back to "cbs this morning." that was good. coming up, an inside look at one of donald trump's defunct businesses that he wanted to keep hidden. a judge releases information on the donald trump playbook and who was targeted. plea women being call -- three women being called heroes after stopping what they say was a date rape about to happen y. they're sharing what happened. and "the san bernardino sun" reports on the legal fight over the san bernardino gunman's life insurance. he was killed in a police shoot-out after an attack that killed 14. his two policies were worth $275,000. federal prosecutors say the money should go to his victims and not his mother. "usa today" reports on a
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data base aimed at helping women with high cancer risk assess their chances of getting sick. the data base collects information from women who have the bbc a 1 and 2 gene. it shows who is more likely to develop breast and ovarian cancer. since the data base was launched nearly a year ago, nearly 1,000 researchers from 49 countries registered for access. "the star-tribune of minneapolis" reports on a recall. gold medal and signature kitchen brands of flour due to an e. coli scare. since december, some victims used flour before getting sick, the company says, and says no bacteria have been found in its products. "the san francisco chronicle" reports on a hacking attack on myspace involving accounts which haven't been used in years. emails and passwords were compromised. the hack targeted accounts created before june, 2013. the data reportedly are being
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sold. that's because people may be using the same passwords for other accounts. we're getting a first look at internal playbooks used by trump university. a federal judge released nearly 400 pages and other evidence in a class-action suit. former students claim they were tricked into buying expensive real estate investment seminars sponsored by donald trump which they say yielded little to no results. jan crawford looks at some of the revealing sales tactics in the trump university manuals. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. so trump's lawyers argue that these playbooks contain trade secrets. they fought to keep them under sale. the judge disagreed. he said there was no compelling reason to keep these documents away from the public. >> the judge has been unfair, has not done a good job. he's been a very bad judge. >> reporter: most defendants shy away from criticizing judges presiding over their cases. not donald trump. last week in another tirade, the republican presidential
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candidate called federal judge gonzalo curiel a hater and even brought up his ethnicity. >> the judge who happens to be, we believe, mexican, which is great, i think that's fine. >> reporter: in ordering the 2009 and 2010 playbooks released, judge curiel didn't avoid trump's personal attacks, noting the billionaire placed the integrity of these court proceedings at issue. potential students were invited to free workshops where they were offered additional courses. one package costing almost $35,000. to those worried about the costs, salesmen were told to say, most students who were invited use established lines of credit to handle tuition. former student gary smith told cbs' julianna goldman he spent thousands on trump university. >> they said to call the credit card companies and make a request. try not to take no as an answer. >> reporter: before closing in 2010, trump university promised to teach students the real
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estate tycoon's investment techniques. the manuals gave trump university employees tips on the psychology of the sale, noting that clients must apply and be accepted to our program. those with incomes more than $90,000 a year and net worths over $200,000 were prime targets. >> that's what it's all about. success. it's going to happen to you. >> reporter: according to the "washington post" which sued to release the documents, trump university's former president testified trump was protective of his brand. personally signing off on trump university marketing and promo videos. >> i think one of the things that his opponents and in particular the hillary clinton campaign have targeted him with is that he's an untrustworty businessman type. >> reporter: the trump camp insisted complaints about the university came from just a small number of former students.
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new york attorney general eric schneiderman, a democrat, says otherwise, and he is suing trump university. he told "cbs this morning," "the playbooks tell us what our investigation uncovered and what we allege in our lawsuit. trump university was a fraud that harmed thousands of individuals." norah? >> all right. thank you very much. the group of women who foiled an alleged date rape describe what happened. the suspect, michael su, appeared yesterday in a courtroom. he was arrested after three women saw the incident unfold and warned the they're crediting the arrest to the catch phrase, "if you see something, say something." >> people versus michael --
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>> reporter: michael su showed no reaction after pleading not guilty at a los angeles court hearing on tuesday. he's charged with administering a drug and assault with intonight commit a sex crime. >> there's no allegation that based on these allegations presents a threat to the public. >> she said, i saw that guy put something in her drink. >> reporter: the friends were dining at the upscale fig restaurant thursday. they saw su acting suspicious after the woman he was with had gotten up to leave. >> i could see something concealed in his hand. i kept watching, and i saw something fall from his hands into the wine glass. >> all three of us went, oh, my god. and we kind of leaned in like, what are we going to do. >> reporter: ulrich tracked down the woman in the restroom. >> my girlfriend saw him put something in your drink.
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she said, he's one of my best friends. >> reporter: the trio notified restaurant staff who they say reviewed surveillance footage and called police. >> all of a sudden, they appeared. they told the gentleman stand up and come with us. he didn't say anything. >> reporter: ulrich posted her friend's story on facebook which has since been shared 100,000 times. >> i just want to let people know, if you say something, something really good might ht o needs it. >> reporter: su is being held on a $350,000 bond and is set to be back in court in a few weeks. if he is convicted, he faces up to six years in jail. right now, county prosecutors are waiting on test results to come back on that woman's drink. >> welcome back from maternity leave. you have a favorite son, your only son. his name is what? >> mason reed. >> congratulations. we liked that story. thank you very much. aren't we glad those women spoke up? >> it's so important that they
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did. so important. a great story. it's been shared so many times because i think people are applauding what they did. >> i could so see us doing that, norah. go in the bathroom and tell her. >> i could see you and i arresting that man, the two of us. >> sir, we have something to say to you. adele wins support -- i could see you doing that, too. not that you wouldn't step in. he would, too. >> yeah. adele shaming a fan into putting away a video camera during a concert. ahead, how shaky cell phone video of her performance could hurt the cirque -- hurt the singer's bottom line. and if you're leaving, take us with you live through the all access app on your digital device. we'llt of the richest self-made women.
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the famous sugarland statue. the famous sugarland statue. what do you think about it? >> okay. >> some people outside houston are snapping to judgment about a newly installed selfie sculpture showing two girls in a hunched position taking a photo with a cell phone. some locals like the concept,
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but others are embarrassed by it. >> from selfie sculptures to selfies in a concert. adele is striking a chord with her critique of camera and cell phone use. how she scolded a fan for recording the show. adele joins a growing chorus of artists us frfrustrated by the f cameras and phones it at the concert. anthony mason shows us why many fans won't listen to requests to put your phone away. and ththony, good morning. good morning. cameras are part of the job description. for us, of course, but not for adele. not so much. she's not the only one irritated by audience members who seem to be more interested in a good photo than a good live performance. but for better or worse, we live in the world of the smartphone. ♪ hello from the outside >> reporter: this is an authorized recording of adele in concert. with tickets in high demand, one audience member was hoping to create a lasting memory, but
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when adele spotted her camera and tripod, she called her out. >> can you stop filming me with the video camera. i'm really here live. enjoy it live. >> reporter: adele's plea was music to the ears of wesley schultz who performed last night in portland. >> i applaud adele. i appreciate that she did it and if it gives it more attention, it's a good thing. ♪ if the sun don't shine >> reporter: he says the cell phones come out in force when the band plays its hit "ho hey." ♪ i belong with you >> reporter: he usually interrupts the song to make this announcement. >> would you mind putting away all your cell phones. we've been doing it for a while to let you know it's that important that we connect with you because that's why we all came here. >> reporter: a quick internet search brings a chorus of agreement from other well-known artists -- beyonce. adam levine.
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♪ and for the eagles, recordings by the audience just didn't fly as don henley told charlie rose last year. >> we asked them to please forgo the phones and to just be there with us in the moment and to enjoy the concert with their eyeballs instead of through a view finder. >> reporter: a 2015 harris poll found that 31% of attendees of live events between the ages of 18 to 34 used their phones during half of the show or longer. complaining about the free publicity fan videos and live streams can generate, but billboard magazine's jim says that exposure can actually cost an artist. >> it is taking money away from the artist and most of these video videos do not generate any revenue from the artist, and they take away from the videos on youtube that will generate revenue for them. >> reporter: adele's scolding got a mixed response on twitter.
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while some supported her, a lot of fans argue for the high price of a ticket, sometimes upwards of $300, you should be able to enjoy the concert however you choose. >> i get both sides, as someone who pleads guilty to have taken the pictures. from the artist's point of view, i'm here to entertain. i get it. >> there is a disconnect -- when you put a phone in front of your face, you are disconnecting from what's going on. >> it's interesting asking to put on your cell phones to attract a broad base. videos spread popularity. they may take a little income away, but it's a modern souvenir, is what it is. >> do you think i'll never get this picture again. >> great to have you here. any other comments about my shoes? >> no, but they're high, gold, and very nice. >> just for you. they would match your black leather jacket you wear all the time on the air. >> you're welcome to wear my black leather jacket with your
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gold shoes anytime you wish. ahead -- >> wow, look at those shoes. >> a hot tub. the chase that left >> announcer: this portioned cbs "this morning" sponsored by neutrogena cosmetics. than wearing no makeup at all? neutrogena® cosmetics. powders, concealers and foundations in new shades for more skin tones.
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with vitamins and antioxidants. your skin will look beautiful when you wear it and even after you take it off. neutrogena® cosmetics see what's possible. angry birds are coming to mcdonald's. sfx: streeeeeetch...thwang! sfx: smack! now you can order, scan and unlock in-game rewards based on "the angry birds movie," rated pg only in theaters. acids in everyday foods and drinks may weaken and erode your tooth enamel over time. damaged or lost enamel can lead to yellow, dull and thinning teeth. that's why there's pronamel and pronamel for kids. designed to strengthen enamel and help protect against acids in your diet. start protecting your enamel, with pronamel. the #1 dentist-recommended brand for strengthening and protecting enamel.
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what backache?-recommended brand for strengthening what sore wrist? what headache? advil makes pain a distant memory. nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil. ahead, dollar store's winning over shoppers from walmart and target. you're watching "cbs this morning." i am his sunshine. i am his advocate. so i asked about adding once-daily namenda xr to his current treatment for moderate to severe alzheimer's. it works differently. when added to another alzheimer's treatment, it may improve overall function and cognition. and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. vo: namenda xr doesn't change how the disease progresses. it shouldn't be taken by anyone allergic to memantine, or who's had a bad reaction to namenda xr or its ingredients.
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sanders will hold a rally ts afternoon in palo alto... a making campaign appearances yesterday it's 7:56. i'm kenny choi. bernie sanders bernie sanders will hold a rally this afternoon in palo alto after making campaign appearances in emeryville, santa cruz and monterey. tomorrow night republican donald trump will hold a rally at mcenery convention center in downtown san jose. stanley cup finals game 2 sharks in pittsburgh today. the penguins lead one game to none. puck drops about 5 p.m. pacific time. downtown san jose the sharks will hold a viewing part at san pedro square market. traffic and weather in just a moment. ,,,,,,,,
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we have a chp advisory a "sig alert" in the robin williams tunnel where a crash happened inside the tunnel this morning. it's blocking one lane and we are beginning to see some delays right behind it. it's 101 southbound. keep in mind that as you head out this morning. also, westbound 580 at grant line road. another "sig alert" motorcycle and car left lane blocked there. drive times really slowing down 580 from the altamont pass to i- 680. currently 21 minutes. roberta. >> this is truly a blanket of low clouds and fog this morning from the coast into the bay. live weather camera looking out towards the marin headlands. you can see the top. otherwise, that's dramatic looking. first day of june we have the return of "june gloom" at the coast, temperatures there in the 50s. 52 in san francisco. it's 5 in livermore going up to 98 degrees. similar to yesterday. high 80s across the santa clara valley. 99 degrees outside number today. triple digits over the weekend. ,,,,,,
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good morning to our viewers in the west. it is wednesday, june 1st, 2016. welcome back to "cbs this morning." there's more real news ahead, including campaign talk with our major garrett and nancy cordes. but first, here's today's eye opener at 8:00. >> the money donald trump raised for veterans is real, just as real, trump's contempt for reporters who tried to follow the money. >> clinton is hoping for a decisive win in california against a long shot opponent who will not back down. >> the river had topped 54 feet. that's higher than officials initially estimated the water would rise. >> an urgent appeal from the u.n.'s children agency says
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there are an estimated 20,000 children trapped inside the city. >> the family just released a statement saying the boy is doing very well. they're asking anyone who wants to make a donation to do so to the cincinnati zoo. >> this new study says that with teen drivers, the distraction often comes from passengers, which is why i'm sitting back here, minding my manners and not distracting the driver. >> one of the women says she apparently saw a man spike his date's drink. if you see something, say something. >> it may take a little income away. it's a modern souvenir. >> you think i'll never get this picture again. >> one in deep left field. slides home safely! walks it off here in the ninth. i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. donald trump for the first time is giving details about money he
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raised and donated to veterans groups. he also provided a heavy dose of contempt for the press. trump listed 41 organizations that he said received $5.6 million. he estimates that number will rise. >> cbs has verified donald trump or his affiliated foundation gave 32 organizations $4.4 million in donations. at least five of them received the money just last week. trump's own pledge of $1 million was donated on may 24th, nearly four months after his fundraiser in iowa. trump also scolded reporters for questioning him in the first place. >> i'm not looking for credit, but what i don't want is when i raise millions of dollars, have people say, like this sleazy guy right over here. he's a sleaze. >> why am i sleazy? >> you're a sleaze because you know the facts, and you know the facts well. the bad part about the
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dishonesty of the media is that people like me will be inclined not to do it anymore. >> it seems as though you're resistant to scrutiny, the kind of scrutiny that comes with running for president of the united states. >> i like scrutiny, but when i raise money -- excuse me. i've watched you on television. you're a real beauty. when i raise money for the veterans and it's a massive amount of money, i don't want the credit for it. but i shouldn't be lambasted. >> why do you resent just the verification process that is natural? >> because i wanted to make this out of the goodness of my heart, not where the press is all involved and everybody is going, where did it go, who did it go to? >> don't you believe you should be accountable to the people? >> i'm totally accountable, but i didn't want to have credit for it. what i got was worse than credit because they were questioning me. >> what you're doing is answering the questions now that we had back then. it was just a question. is a question an attack? is a question an attack? >> i think -- and i've been dealing with the press a long time. i think the political press is among the most dishonest people
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that i've ever met. >> i think you've set a new bar today for being contentious with the press corps, calling us losers to our faces. >> not all of you. just many of you. >> enough of us. is this what it's going to be like covering you if you're president? >> yeah. okay, yeah, it is going to be like this, david. >> as you say, major garrett was at that news conference. he and nancy cordes have spent months on the campaign trail. they join us now in studio 57. good morning. great to have you here at 8:00. >> great to be here. >> what is going on here between you guys? you're covering different campaigns. and donald trump. >> for new niche yats, yesterday was shocking. for those of us who have been on the trump campaign for many, many months, it was not as shocking as it looked. all of us at one time or another have been insulted by donald trump or there's been an attempt to intimidate us by donald trump. you have to soldier through that, keep asking your questions, stick to your business, and ultimately donald trump will yield because he respects that sense of strength
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that a reporter brings to the task. i've learned that. i've seen that. other reporters have seen that, experienced that. there's a gamesmanship and a blood sport with trump. they live in very close relationship to one another. >> but the question is, does he do this to distract attention, or does he do this because he acquaint help himself? >> i think he can't help himself. there's a persona about donald trump that has spent many, many years in this city handing out nuggets about himself and getting publicity and working in a very transactional way. one thing he doesn't necessarily appreciate or like about political coverage is it's not anywhere near as transactional as the tabloids are here in new york. >> you have "the washington post," "the new york times" calling him to task. it does seem different this time. >> it does. their editorial reaction is to say, wait a minute, this is a moment. when you criticize a federal judge, you're trying to undermine or coming close to undermining a judiciary.
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something of a major political party ought not to do. if you constantly say, you're illegitimate, are you trying to undermine the first amendment? these are important questions. trump is going to have to deal with those questions and that scrutiny. >> i want to get to hillary clinton in a second, nancy. sorry to make you sit there. however, i just -- my concern is that this showmanship and berating of the press is a distraction from substance. >> that's a point i was trying to make. >> the point is, he said he was going to donate $6 million, and it wasn't until "the washington post" reported last week that trump had not yet donated to an organization a million dollars, he then a day later makes a donation, including associated press reporting that last week half of the checks were donated. >> those of us that cover the hillary clinton campaign would love to have a press conference, even if she insulted us. she hasn't done one for months and months. >> and why not? >> she's just, you know, not
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that comfortable in that setting. last week, for example, when this big new report came out from the state department's inspector general, there were a lot of us on the campaign trail who were dying to ask her questions about it. she avoided all of us. she did a couple quick call-ins to some cable shows, but that was about it. she's just not interested in getting the kinds of tough questions out there on the trail. lots of people shouting at her. that's not her. well, donald trump, of course, is very comfortable with that. her response is to say that he's got a problem with the constitution, that he has a problem with reporters asking the tough questions and that she's been vetted in a way that he hasn't, and he's not comfortable when he's right there in the thick of it. >> does she seem to be changing her strategy on how she's dealing with donald trump, or does she have a strategy? >> they're forming a strategy. he's a complicated candidate to run against, and her campaign k acknowledges that. one thing they're trying to do is breakthrough all the noise on any given day by picking an issue and just hammering him over the head with it.
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yesterday it was veterans. so you had hillary clinton herself talking about his relationship with veterans. you had her supporters all over the country in battleground states doing interviews about it, doing press calls about it. so they're going to try to do this more often. they're hoping that that's the kind of attack that will stick. >> president obama is giving a speech today. a white house adviser says, you will hear him engaging in a political debate in a k comprehensive way so far. is it going to take president obama to draw a contrast? >> well, the president started this in japan. he's going to continue it by saying the economic situation in this country isn't nearly as dire as donald trump describes it. there has been progress. and just because you're dissatisfied doesn't mean things are as bad as they can be. elkhart, indiana, is the place president obama visited in the middle of the depression. he believe it's come back.
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>> he's gone to question the questions that are raised about trump's qualifications to be president. >> right. echoing what he's hearing from leaders across the world and saying as the president of the united states, as someone who understands this job and the rigors of this job, the country has to take seriously if donald trump can as well. >> and hillary clinton is giving a big speech on foreign policy on thursday. >> right. and she's focusing a lot more on her experience as secretary of state. this is something she almost brought up not at all in the first few months of this campaign. there was a sense the benghazi crisis had damaged her credibility. now she talks about being secretary of state all the time, the delicate diplomacy she did, making the point that donald trump's not capable of that. >> my question is, how much does she need barack obama? >> he's a powerful weapon. even if you didn't support barack obama, if you have the president of the united states saying, this man is unfit for office, he cannot do this job, if he's making that case over and over again between now and november, and by the way, joe biden is making that case as
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well, that's going to be a powerful tool for her. >> there's a lot of time between now and november. and there was a lot of money raised for veterans organizations. i don't think that should get lost in this. >> absolutely. >> more than anyone else has done. >> after the press pressed him on that issue. >> but it doesn't make the money any less real. >> nancy and major, thank you so much. "forbes" magazine revealed america's richest ,,
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should big name retailers take a lesson from fast food? ahead, how dollar stores became the new darlings of shoppers and wall street. you're watching "cbs this morning." we'll be right back. " be right back. in a good, clean salad, every ingredient is the main ingredient. the new green goddess cobb with avocado, bacon, freshly made dressing, tomato...
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and chicken. at panera. food as it should be. headache? motrin helps you be an unstoppable "let's rock this" kind of mom. back pain? motrin helps you be a... "side planking, even though you'll feel it later" kind of woman. body pain? motrin helps you be an... "i can totally do this in one trip" kind of woman. when pain tries to stop you, motrin works fast to stop pain. make it happen with motrin® liquid gels. also try motrin pm to relieve pain and help you sleep. of many pieces in my i havlife.hma... so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine.
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oh, my god. he's in our jacuzzi, honey. >> a california couple was stunned to discover police in their back yard tracking down a suspect hiding in a hot tub. the man had apparently passed out in the 104-degree water. after he came to, officers took him into custody. police say the hot tub discovery followed a high speed chase. the man now faces drug, weapon,
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and stolen property charges. >> how did he think he could hide in a hot tub? >> 104-degree water. once again, it's what your mom told you, crime does not pay. you will get caught. >> you cannot hide. for many brick-and-mortar retailers, this year has been what many call a bloodbath. major stores including target, macy's, and kohl's reported poor first-quarter sales. gap brands posted its 13th straight month of losses for april. dollar stores are thriving. >> dollar free with about 14,000 locations in the u.s. and canada increased its earnings by 25% in the first quarter. and rival, dollar general, which operates more than 12,000 stores in 43 states, reportedly plans to add another 7,000 stores in the next four years. cbs news financial contributor mellody hobson is in santa barbara, california. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. >> how did these dollar stores become the bright spot in retail?
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>> what's going on at dollar? >> reporter: i was told by one of their big box competitors yesterday that it's simple -- they're great merchants. they know and have targeted their customer beautifully. and they've stayed in their lane. and as counterintuitive as it may found, the financial crisis helped them. people became very value conscious. and the stigma of the dollar store really went away. >> who was their customer? >> their customer tends to be a person, this is interesting, they walk in with $10 in their pocket and pay cash. a big part of their customer base, yes, interesting, right? a big part of their customer base also millennials. one store 24% of their customer base is millennials. those are people who grew up during the financial crisis, again, extraordinarily value conscious. and also not as brand loyal. so they have seen a unique kind of customer take form.
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>> not everything in the dollar store is actually a dollar. so what are they offering that the other stores are not? >> that's true. there are two types. some are just a dollar, that's what they say. some have what they call a multiprice point. so it will be a few dollars. what they're offering is actually brand-name goods. one of the things that happened, if you think about food, a lot of grocery stores have gone for organic or healthier fare. things really chasing that middle or upper-class customer. and so the suppliers need outlets for their goods. think about this -- walmart has 5,000 stores. dollar general and dollar tree each have 12,000 stores each. so those suppliers want into those stores. this isn't your grandmother's dollar store. what was all generics that you had never heard of before. >> they're also smaller than walmarts aren't they? the stores are smaller than walmarts --
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>> reporter: yes, that's a big part of what makes them viable. the footprint is much smaller. the inventory is much more curate the. it's much easier -- curated. it's much easier to create opportunities than the giant walmart with all of the merchandise that they have inside. >> we've also seen another discount retailer, tjx which owns t.j. maxx, marshall's, and home good, thriving, right? >> that's right. they're going to add 50% more stores in the next year which is hard to fathom. again, think about it -- we've seen this whole discounting trend even take shape in the higher end stores. you have nord strstrom rak, nei marcus last call. outlets are popular. the whole economy being focused on value has taken root. i think it's here to stay. >> can't beat a good last-call sale, though. i love those. thanks. >> gayle and i are known to say, hey, the last-call sale are going on. we keep each other up on to date on who's got the sale when.
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thank you very much. a self-made billionaire is putting himself in the middle of hot-button controversies. sales force ceo mark beniof is here. >> aloha. >> we'll look at the warning he got from colin powell about being an executive and activist. you're watching "cbs this morning." (becky) i started smoking when i was 16. now i have end stage copd. my tip is; if you keep smoking, your "freedom" may only go as far as your oxygen tube. (announcer)you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. hey troy! hello so, thanks for testing our new car service today. oh, no problem. this is the nicest ride sharing service i've ever been in. i'm so comfortable...i could take a nap right now. so, our rates are a little bit different... okay we charge by the amount of gas consumed.
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ooh since we traveled 4.43 miles, and this chevy malibu offers an epa estimated 47 miles per gallon city. your total is... 20 cents. (both) noo way. i can afford that! 23 cents. do you have a quarter? hahaha the all new 2016 chevy malibu hybrid. it's just so smart. angry birds are coming to mcdonald's. sfx: streeeeeetch...thwang! sfx: smack! now you can order, scan and unlock in-game rewards based on "the angry birds movie," rated pg only in theaters.
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first on "cbs this morning," "forbes" reveals its second annual list of america's richest self-made women. the list covers 60 women who achieved success through invention and innovations to create their own wealth. they must have a minimum net worth of $250 million. gap stores fisher and founder of epic systems are tied for number three. both worth $2.4 billion. oprah winfrey's second with a net worth of just over $3 billion. and abc, surprise, diane hendricks tops the list with a net worth of almost $5 billion. >> do you know oprah? >> i've met her. i hear she's lovely. and and -- >> and taylor swift is next at the age of 26. others include author nora roberts, madonna, beyonce, and barbra streisand. elizabeth holmes missed the spot after holding a spot last year.
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francisco, the police commin decides if officers should body cameras. the proposal follows a string of police shootings. if approved, offs would wear the cameras star august first. hool students today the police commission decides if officers should wear body cameras after officer involved shootings. if approved it would start all 1. two students accused of killing a classmate are being tried as adults. 16-year-old edwin guevera and 17-year-old juan carlos martinez henriquez are charged with premeditated murder in the shooting of edwin guerra last wednesday. coming up on "cbs this morning," contributor mellody hobson examines how some dollar stores are outperforming walmart and target. traffic and weather in just a moment. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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a traffic alert in the robin williams tunnel causing some delays. there was a crash in the tunnel. traffic is backing up on 101 southbound that we are keeping an eye on right now. three car crash blocking a left lane there. elsewhere highway 24 going westbound.
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we have one lane blocked near lafayette. lots of yellow and red on our sensors in some areas down to 20 to 25 miles per hour. so the drive time there. we have had a lot of low clouds and fog stacked up at the coast and into the bay. seeing a little clearing towards the transamerica pyramid. this is our "june gloom." look at that. we have had condensation in the form of drizzle associated with the marine layer. 52 in san francisco. but with the clear skies in livermore, 65. going up to a high of 99 degrees. along the coast a beach hazard statement for big swells and sneaker waves in pacifica. 60s, 70s at the bay, 80s at the peninsula and climb way up to 99 degrees towards discovery bay and brentwood. winds will be variable to 15. notice the hot trend continues inland all the way through saturday. chance of thunderstorm sunday. ,,,,,,,, off a new era of
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corporate social activist. the sales force ceo is right here in studio 57. he jumped into recent controversies from north carolina to indiana. we'll see how these battles impact his multibillion dollar business. plus, she made school a stage for future broadway performances. ahead, meet the teacher being honored at this year's tonys. right now, time to show some of the headlines from around the globe. "variety" says the l.a. county sheriff looking into allegations of drug use on "the biggest loser." former contestants are quoted saying they were urged to take illegal drugs to reach weight goals. promoters say they believe the claims are false. "the guardian" reports on the unveiling of the world's longest train tunnel. a tunnel in switzerland is more than 35 miles long and stretches
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beneath the anna nicole smilps. it will shorten the trip by nearly an hour. the project took 17 years and cost $12 billion. officials say it will cut pollution by shifting freight from trucks to trains. and "new york" magazine reports on a mom in australia who had a priceless reaction in the delivery ram. i love this. a photographer captured her reaction after she was told that she gave birth to a baby boy. she and her husband had been expecting a little girl, so they had all sorts of punk stuff. >> look at that. >> i love this. look at her face. the mom said -- >> a boy? >> after the initial shock, they were happy to have a healthy baby. you would think someone would say, mom, you just had a puppy. all is well. >> that would be a shock. >> after you prepared and the nurseview ready, everything is -- nursery is ready, everything is pink. we get. it. the ceo believes that socialism is not bad for
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business. marc benioff is his name, he runs a company worth $57 billion with a b. provides software so salespeople with keep track of customers. he slam indiana's governor last year over a law designed to protect religious freedom. critics claim it discriminated against the lgbt community. he canceled sales force events, threatened to pull investments, and even offered to pay for workers to move out of state. the law was amended one week later. >> he then thought a similar -- fought a similar bill in georgia, warning he would take his business elsewhere. that was vetoed. now he's fighting north arolina's so-called bathroom law on. twitter he encourage -- law. on twitter, he encouraged people to ask their ceos stand against government of pat mccrory, calling him anti-gay. marc benioff joins us. welcome. >> great to be with you. >> the question is for you, why do you do this? >> well, i'm doing this really on behalf of my employees. i mean, i'm the ceo of sales force, as you know. and i i'm at my desk, not as
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beautiful as this one. i'm on e-mail. i'll get an e-mail or someone will come in my office and say, i am being discriminated against, and you have to do something for me. so i will jump in and help -- >> does any shareholder, does anybody on your board, does anybody say, marc, don't do that? just run the company? >> no, this is the right thing to do. we have to do this. look, we're moving from a world where it was all about, you know, being shareholders based. we're moving to a world that's all about stakeholders. that's what great ceos are doing. >> employees are stakeholders. >> employees, customers are stakeholders, the environment is a stakeholder. our community, our homeless in san francisco are shakeholders all for sales -- stakeholders. all for sales force. we have to look out for everyone. >> colin powell said, be careful how far you climb the up that tree. it will expose your backside. >> right. >> what makes -- >> that is a director, general powell, is a director of our company. and he did call me and said,
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look, the farther you go up the tree, the more your backside is going to be exposed. you better be careful. >> it doesn't worry you? >> judges, when general powell calls and tells you something, it worries you. >> yeah. >> we have to be careful. we have to pick what we're going to do carefully. we have to be thoughtful. we can't get into too many things. we have to be specialized. that's why we've been successful in indiana. we've been successful in georgia, of course. north carolina still going on. and we're also really working on gender equality with women, pay equality. that's a major -- >> some people are calling you a bully. now you're getting the b word leveled at you. >> true. honestly, that surprises me. i'll tell you why. you know, we -- what we're saying to these governors or state senators, hey, if you're going to discriminate against our employees, then we're going to have to reduce our investment, and we're not going to be able to bring as many people, customers, to your state. sorry to -- >> and to take factories out and their assets out. >> absolutely. and then the -- basically
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governor will say, well, that's bullying us. it's not bullying us, we're telling you what our employees demand that we tell you and what our customers demand that we tell you which is you have to change your ways. you have to support everyone. and that's what's worked out so well in indiana, georgia, and i hope north carolina. >> sales force announced a deal last month with amazon. >> we're excited about working with amazon, running on their infrastructure. today we announced another deal. we're buying an incredible company, demandware. it lets every one of our customers become an amazon. so for -- we're buying a company for $3 billion in boston. the -- the whole industry is transforming now. it's so exciting. we've never seen so much innovation in our industry. and there's a lot of chess pieces getting played out. so that's what's going on. >> you said that -- artificial intelligence is the future. >> yes. well, i think more than the
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future, you're going to see the biggest trend and shift in technology ever will be artificial intelligence over the next one to two decades. that includes things like machine learning, basic data science, and also deep learning. we've seen these incredible things, i'm sure you saw, where google was able to beat this go master. this this a big deal. this shows that the software is advancing. we have technology at our company that's able to diagnose victims of a stroke and immediately tell you is this person qualified for a drug or not. that required a radiologist before. now software can require work. >> some people have expressed concern, elon musk and others, that artificial intelligence could get out of control and we could be creating robots and machines that are smarter than people -- >> yes, i saw "terminator" also. and -- >> no, this is elon musk and bill gates and steven hawking and people like that.
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>> i agree that there's definitely opportunities that this technology can advance and move in directions we might not want it to move. >> unless we do what? >> i think we have to have dialogue. we'll have to have regulation. we'll have to govern how the technology evolves. this is not the only technology that is in this category. we have genetic technology like crisper in the category. we have a lot of exciting new technologies. we're in this fourth industrial revolution. what we talked about earlier which is moving from shareholders to stakeholders, this a critical part of the fourth industrial revolution. a.i., genetic engineering, there's a lot of new technologies in the fourth industrial revolution, virtual reality, augmented reality. we're in an incredible age. this is amazing what's happening. >> this is about you, marc benioff, you dream big, you think big, your company was named anniversaries a row by "forbes" magazine -- five years in a row by "forbes," you're
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eight feet tall. what drives your passion to do what you do? >> listening. the guy your left is a guru. he said to me once, he said, marc, if you're going to be successful, you need to listen much more deeply than you are. >>
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author and poet maya angelou wrote, when you learn, teach. when you get, give. this morning, we're happy to recognize an inspiring teacher who's efforts will be honored at the tony award. michelle miller shows how the teacher is feeling the love from a star in broadway's biggest show. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. for the second year the tony awards and corn gee mellon university had v chosen -- carnegie mellon university had v chosen a teacher for the award. of more than 1,100 submissions, the winner hails from detroit's top high school. that's where marilyn mccormack has made a difference in the drama department for nearly 40 years. last week at the detroit's technical cast high school. >> how are you? >> reporter: students in marilyn mccormick's drama class received a rare and surprise visit. >> can i help you. >> reporter: renee elise goldsbury, up for a tony in
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"hamilton," came to announce the year's winner for the excellence in theater education award. >> will you come with me to the tonys? >> absolutely. >> you will? >> reporter: what is it you do that's so special? >> i don't know if it's so special. i think i encourage them to be comfortable with who they are. the one thing that i know that you have to remember is be yourselves. i hope that when i teach kids is that you are enough. >> reporter: are you enough. >> and if you are enough, no matter who enters the room or where you are, it's all right because you're enough. >> reporter: herself a graduate of cass tech. she was a student during detroit's tumultuous 1960s and '70s. you saw the city evolve over the decades. >> yes. >> reporter: what's your impression? >> i think that there's some benefit to having been here. i was a teenager, life was different.
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it was turbulent. it was free. i think it just has made me a more open and judgment-free kind of person. i've seen, i think, a lot of things. >> reporter: after graduating college and marrying michael mccormick, the couple hoped to launch careers in new york city. >> we didn't have a plan or anything. and then it occurred to us, maybe we should get a job, real jobs, make some money. i got the job here teaching. and it was good. it's just good. >> i felt like i did a job well done. >> more than that. >> reporter: though she never made it to broadway or hollywood, several of her students did. do you ever think back and say, i could have been a star? >> no. i never think that. >> reporter: because? >> because i've always felt as if i was serving my purpose. >> reporter: four decades of
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students agree. >> she's a mother. she's a mother to everyone she encounters. >> she's changed our lives. >> it's like the bar is up here, and it's like, okay, let me rise up to the bar. she helps us do that. >> we're not burying something at this point. we are raising something. >> reporter: she expects you to be better than you can be. she expects you to enunciate, to spend time, to be as dedicated to your craft as she is to you. ♪ >> reporter: earlier this year, a group of alumni and students submitted a video. >> so many ways to describe her. >> more than just a teacher. >> compassionate. >> reporter: in hopes that miss mccormick would be recognized at the tony awards in this, her final year, at cass tech. >> it was a beautiful thing to hear them just say her name. >> marilyn mccormick. >> marilyn mccormick, akam mc.
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>> reporter: to know that your students put out, put you up there, gave you the heave-ho. >> you know, that's kind of overwhelming when you think that they took the time like to even -- to consider, to consider me for something. for something like that is kind of special. you know what i mean? >> we know what you mean. kind of special. along with the award for marilyn comes $10,000 for cass tech where the theater department now has a budget. most of the money that they raise for all of their plays and
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musicals came from fund-raising. she says for the first time, we actually have something to work with. >> didn't come away feeling in love with her -- >> you hit the nail on the head. maya angelou, when i think of that woman's spirit -- and we all know maya angelou. marilyn mccormick has that same steely drive and determination. love is her definition. >> yes. and the kids feel it, too. >> they do. >> we like her. >> nice. there were 1,100 submissions. great teachers. all great teachers. >> great. marilyn mccormick. bravo. you can catch the 70th annual tony awards sunday, june 12th, 8:00, 7:00 snrl central on cbs. for more, answering questions. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,
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for the news any ,,,,,,,,,,,
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northbound interstate five san joaquin county will remn closed until at least tomor a mammoth si it is 8:55. time for news headlines. part of 5 in san joaquin county will be closed until at least tomorrow. a mammoth sinkhole opened yesterday on i-5 south of tracy. caltrans says that it may have been caused by problems with an irrigation pipe that runs under the roadway. democratic presidential hopeful bernie sanders will hold a rally this afternoon in palo alto after milwaukeeing campaign appearances yesterday in emeryville, santa cruz and monterey. tomorrow night republican donald trump will hold a rally at mcenery convention center in downtown san jose. now for a check of weather, here's roberta. roberta. >> it's been socked in at the coast and into the bay with areas of drizzle. but we have the sunshine in san jose home of our san jose
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sharks, with a viewing party tonight as the puck drops around 5:00. go, sharks! right now in the santa clara valley, we have temperatures in the 60s already after a high yesterday of 89 degrees. it's in the 50s across the bay. it's 69 in fairfield. hey, if you are looking for relief at the coast for some cooler temperatures, be mindful, with a beach hazard statement in effect until tomorrow night. some energetic swells and the possibly of sneaker waves. 60s beaches, 70s bay, 80s around the peninsula climbing through the 80s to triple digits inland. winds will be variable to 15 miles per hour. no cooldown inland until sunday. we have sandra with traffic next.
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and good wednesday morning to you. we are keeping an eye on several incidents out there this morning including this one right here. this is northbound 280 at highway 87 in san jose. right lane blocked you can see lots of red sensors not only there but on the surrounding highways, as well. all right. in the robin williams tunnel this morning, a crash that's being cleared in the tunnel, still causing some slowdowns looking at yellow and red on our sensors and also caltrain this morning experiencing fatal hit of a pedestrian. we are seeing some major delays about 30 to of 0 minutes right now still that's an improvement from earlier 30 to 60 minutes. have a great wednesday.
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wayne: ah! you've got the big deal of the day! jonathan: yeah, girl! it's a trip to bermuda! - bigger isn't always better. wayne: you won a car! - zonks are no fun. - big deal, baby! jonathan: it's time for "let's make a deal". now here's tv's big dealer, wayne brady! wayne: hey, america. welcome to "let's make a deal." i'm wayne brady. thank you so much for tuning in. three people, let's go. the baby. come on, baby. come on, baby, baby! the blue loofa. come on. baby, right there. loofa next to her. and lastly, the king of hearts. everybody else have a seat. sit down for me, please.


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